lørdag 20. juni 2015


Happy Saturday everyone! Having a chilled one again this weekend. And its so nice. No gym today, as Im trying to detrain my body a bit and maintain my figure until I start prepping again, when it will be back to a lot of hard workouts. So far this week, Ive been to the gym 4 times lifting(1 hour) and one day 45 min cardio. Eating high protein, and a lot of fruit and vegetables, some carbs and some treats. Might do some cardio later on today on my spinning bike. Just because I enjoy it.
As well I injured my foot a few weeks back when I was in Tenerife. And its not getting better, so Im gonna take a trip to the minor injury clinic today and see whats up with it. Because of this as well, my leg workouts are very limited as I cant put much pressure on my foot.

Today I made sugar free raspberry coulis for my protein pancakes. I absolutely love raspberries, and this coulis is amazing. I added:

100 g raspberries
1 heaped teaspoon of truvia
Some fresh lemon juice

In the food processor until desired consistency and top up on whatever you want. You can also add more truvia or any other sweetener to make it sweeter. But I like the natural acidic taste of the raspberries so 1 tsp was enough for me. For this recipe youll have a lot left of the coulis, unless you use it all. I used the same pancake recipe as Ive posted before, but added 1 tablespoon of desiccated coconut in the mixture as well.

Stay happy!

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